Registration Wizard
Welcome {{form.f_name}} {{form.l_name}}!
We have filled in some of the information for you. Please correct any mistakes you see!
Please fill out this form to register with us!
* denotes a required field
Your First Name
Your Last Name
Something you can remember
and at least 8 characters
Type in the same password as above.
Passwords do not match
Passwords match
This will be the email that is used to send your pre-work materials.
A number we can use to contact you and send notifications.
Do you have a business email that differs from first email you entered?
Do you have a name you wish to go by?
As a 40 under 40 winner, you have a scholarship!
You have a scholarship!
Enter the email that is best for sending our invoice.
We need to know what you are registering for.
Do you have a registration code?
Need a code? No problem!
You have a Grinnell Leadership JumpStartĀ® Scholarship!
As a 40 Under 40 Winner, we celebrate your career and community achievement.
In recognition of this honor, you are also the winner of a
Grinnell Leadership JumpStartĀ®
* limited slots available
Please drag the dates to the top in order of preference.
The order of the dates will be considered for placement. * hover over Not Available for more info
Someone in your organization has already chosen this event The registration code you used does not allow this event to be chosen
Almost Full
Please Note
In order to maximize your benefits from the development process, it is required that you stay at the designated hotel.
Due to the intensity of the program and the long hours, we ask that you not bring others with you.
For questions, please feel free to contact us by phone at 919-929-2500.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation made within two weeks of your scheduled seminar will result in a 20% penalty.
Cancellation within 24 hours will result in a 50% penalty. Each participant is responsible
for the payment of their lodging, meals and transportation.
As a scholarship candidate, we require additional information.
Please fill out the information below.
Scholarship: Required for enrollment
Scholarship: Required for enrollment
Please tell us the best time to contact this person.
We will call the person listed to discuss the benefits on the scholarship.
We will email the person listed to discuss the benefits on the scholarship.